KEep it up pranjal. There have been complaints that you have been drinking too much coffee! Grahak (3100 Mile Race 2014)
Podľa mňa, je to vec osobnej voľby. Všetky tieto ultraľahke topánky majú výhodu, že neupra . . . (Topánky na behanie)
A vivobarefoot topank? v poslednom čase su tie topanky vel'mi popularne... aky je vaš nazor? (Topánky na behanie)
3100 Miles Race 2009
Vydané dňa 11. 06. 2009 (13827 prečítaní)
Day 61: Suprabha had a very nice finish of her 13th completed 3100 mile race. As the only person in the world she participated in all of the races and always succeeded to finish. Today is the 13th of August and she finished the race for the 13th time, so number 13 is not so bad as they say... Suprabha crossed the finish line shortly after 15:00. It was rainig a little at that time. It was cloudy since the morning and it seemed it will start raining at any moment, but it started only after Suprabha´s finish. Suprabha really enjoyed the last day. She was running well and there were more people in the camp as usually. This helps the runner very much, especially on the psychic plane. As he promised, so he did. Our consul in NY Mr Pokojny came to see us and congratulate Suprabha on the heroic achievement. It is said that everything has a beginning and an end. Today after the finish of Suprabha also the 13th longest ultra race in the world finished - Self Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. For many of us the following 10 months will be only a longer pause before they start again on this course. I am thinking of one advertisement slogan: "If you love it, there is nothing to solve". Maybe it is not exactly this way, but as for this race, I would like to say: "If you love it, just run, run, do not solve anything..."
Day 60: The last whole day for Suprabha. The weather was really nice to her. It was mostly cloudy with temperature about 27 degrees. She was running for the whole day and finished at 21:45. I do not know haw many laps she did, but I know that she has to run 53 laps tomorrow. She could do it until 15:00. Ananda-Lahari and I went to visit the Slovak consul Mr Pokojny. He invited us to have lunch with him. I was very surprised by his kindness. He came to see us on the first day of the race and he wants to come to Suprabha´s finish, too.
Day 59: Another very hot day. It was unbearably hot in the sun at noon. But Suprabha continued to cut off the 3100 mile cake. Only the last piece remains to finish the race. At about noon she passed the 3000 mile border. She should finish on Thursday between 16 and 17:00. Her helpers are preparing various decorations for the finish. Each year there is a big celebration when Suprabha finishes. Everybody is very happy that she has finished another 3100 mile race. This year it will be her 13th finish. Today I was riding a bike with Suprabha as a guard and the during last hour I was falling asleep. I was too active yesterday and today I felt very tired. Yesterday Suprabha told me that she does not even go out of the house for a few days after the race. In spite of today´s heat she had 84 laps. She finished at 21:45. Tomorrow is her last day, so keep your fingers crossed ...
Day 58: The hottest day of this year. 36 °C in the shadow, absolutely clear sky and soft wind. In the morning at 8 it could have been already about 27 °C. Suprabha was putting ice packs on the neck to cool herself down a bit. She has a scarf and she puts ice packs inside it. Today she enjoyed also ice cream. She does not usually eat food containing sugar. She likes kombucha with a lemon and ginger flavour, coconut water and also mango nectar which is really very good. She regularly eats avocado with bread and a lot of fruits.
Day 57: The first day when only Suprabha is on the track. For Ananda-Lahari it is the first day of relaxing. It is important to take a lot of rest and sleep during the first two days after finishing the race. The body asks for it. The weather was similar to that of yeasterday. The only difference was that it was a little warmer and cloudy. Sometimes it looked like rain, but it did not start. Suprabha stretches regularly the back part of her legs. One exercise is very funny: she steps on the concrete wall of the fence and hangs herself on the fence, stretching her calves. It looks as if she was climbing the fence.
Day 56: From today on the reports will be by Pali. Only two runners remained on the track: Suprabha and Ananda-Lahari. For Ananda-Lahari it is the last day of the race. He was getting faster since the morning and four hours before the finish he was running the 6 minute laps. It might have been too soon to speed up, because gradually he went to 8 minutes per lap. In this pace he ran until the end. The weather was quite good, cloudy, about 30 degrees. Suprahba runs nicely at her own pace and always with a smile on her face.
Day 55: A happy day for Pali. Today he became the fourth Slovak who finished the longest run in the world, the 3100 mile race. He did it in 54 days, 14 hours, 26 minutes and 40 seconds. Slovakia thus became the most successful country of the world in this race. No other country can boast with four finishers. For Ananda-Lahari 70 laps remain for tomorrow. Today he had bad luck because a wasp stung him in the mouth. It was in the can he was drinking from. There is usually a problem with wasps in the end of July. This year a wasp stung also Suprabha. It got into the shoe that she was putting on. A few years ago one of them stung Pranab in his eye lid. It got between his glasses and the eye lid while he was running. Luckily none of these incidents was serious, neither today´s incident of Ananda-Lahari.
Day 54: After several hot days it finally cooled down. Pali ran his last whole day today and had 98 laps. Tomorrow he will have 88 laps, so he should finish somewhere between 20-22:00. Ananda-Lahari did 105 laps, he should finish on Saturday evening. I am flying home tomorrow, so now the news will be only from what I have heard.
Day 53: A hot and wet day, but all the runners keep struggling. Ananda-Lahari was slower today, he had 96 laps. But Pali was doing quite well and finished somewhere around 107 laps. Those of us who have finished had awards ceremony this evening, because some of us are flying home this weekend.
Day 52: Another hot day. Moreover, Ananda-Lahari had a digestion problem. In spite of that both he and Pali had 101 laps. Diganta Adhikari finished at about 19:30. For the last days he really had to push. In spite of the problems he had during the whole race he managed to successfully finish.
Day 51: Yesterday´s rainy weather cost runners a lot of energy and also today´s hot dayhas reflected in their results. Ananda-Lahari had 100 laps and Pali 101. Tomorrow is Diganta Adhikari´s day. He should finish in the evening.
Day 50: This morning Pushkar finished. It was his first successful attempt (of two). He became the first Swiss who had done it. The weather was rainy all day so it was not easy. But in spite of that Ananda-Lahari managed to run 115 laps and Pali 104. It seems that Ananda-Lahari is getting hisstrength back. So keep your fingers crossed that he can keep it till the end.
Day 49: So for me the race is over. I finished3100 miles for the fifth time in a new personal record48 days and 6 hours. I improved my timing for more than one day. Today three of us finished – it may be also a record. Vlado finished at about 8:30 and Stutissheel at 18:30. It was for the first time that Vlado ran this race and with excellent results. Sutisheel ran 3100 miles for the sixth time and improved his personal record for almost 2 days. Five runners still remain on the course. Pushkar should finish tomorrow morning, Diganta Adhikari on Tuesday, Pali and Ananda-Lahari on Friday and then Suprabha.Ananda-Lahari and Pali started running really well.Ananda-Lahari had 111 laps and Pali will probably have the same number.
Day 48: My last but one daywas very hard. It was raining right from the morning for 2 hours.Then it cleared up a little but it became very warm and humid. So we were wet anyway, although it was not raining. And since16:00 it rained again until 22:00. I did 115 laps.It means 44 laps remain for tomorrow. Vlado should finish between8 and 9:00, I should finish at noon and Stutisheel in the afternoon. Today both Pali and Ananda-Lahari had quite a good day. They finished with 105 laps.
Day 47: In yesterday´s report I forgot to mention one little thing, and it is that Peto finished 3100 mile race. His timing was 45 days 3:44:21. Thus he improved for more that 3 days. Today and tomorrow we have no finishes, but on Saturday three of us will finish: Vlado, Stutisheel and me. I should finish at about noon. Today it went quite well, except for the last two hours when I ran out of energy. In spite of that I did 118 laps. Today Ananda-Lahari had a really good day at last. He was running nearly the whole day and did 110 laps. Pali did 104 laps.
Day 46: Suprabha is back. She visited a few doctors yesterday. After consulting the problem with them she decided to continue. So today she started running again, although more slowly. It is super to have her back. After a few days Ananda-Lahari was running again. I hope that he will soon recover to his full strength. Today he finished at 23:00 with 94 laps. Pali was also faster than yesterday, he did 105 laps. I had quite a good day. It was cloudy and at 20:00 it started to rain, but in spite of that I did 118 laps.
Day 45: Today Suprabha has withdrawn from the race. In the morning she was trying to run, but after a few laps it was clear that it would not work. It must have been a hard decission for her, but probably the only right one. It is strange. Suprabha was an inseparable part of the race. Now the track seems deserted. This afternoon Grahak also finished. He has improved a lot sinde last year. The next one will be Peto. He should finish tomorrow morning. Today he had 130 laps. I had 117, Pali 104 and Ananda-Lahari 77.
Day 44: So Asprihanal has got it. He finished at about 22:30. As I saw him after finishing I realized (and it may sound strange) that I am not looking forward to the end so much. I will miss it. One can get used to everything. Even to this kind of strain and pain. I did 115 laps today. Ananda-Lahari was running a little in the morning, but then he was only walking. He did 87 laps. Pali had a problem with his ankle in the evening. He finished before 23:30 with 92 laps.Suprabha had a problem with her hip today, too. In the morning she was able to run, but then it was only getting worse and in the evening she had to stop altogether. Tomorrow she should decide what to do.
Day 43: We had a crazy weather today. Right form the morning it was warm and totally humid. It slowed me down a bit. But at about 16:00 a pouring rain started. It lasted only 5 minutes, but during that time we got completely wet. After half an hour it looked that it will not rain again, so most of us put on dry clothes. But within 30 minutes another flood came, this time also with hail as big as a golf ball. One of them hit me right in my head and another one hit my shoulder. Luckily, this hailing lasted only a few seconds. The storm was not longer than 5 minutes, but it broke a huge branch of one tree. I did 114 laps, Peto did 26. Pali was a little faster, today he did 101 laps. Ananda-Lahari was only walking again, he did 77 laps. Suprabha had a big problem with her hip for the last two days. Yesterday she left very soon. It happened for the first time since I started running here.
Day 42: The end of the sixth week. Today it was warm and humid, but otherwise we managed it. Ananda-Lahari´s problems still continue, but he hopes he will start running again. Today he did 77 laps. Pali also slowed down. He walked most of the day, and he did 92 laps. I missed Peto again. Asprihanal should finish on Monday and then others will start finishing. I should finish on Saturday if everything is OK.
Day 41: At last we had an acceptable weather. It did not rain and the heat was manageable. In spite of that Pali was not doing very well today. As he said, he had forgotten his legs at home. At last he did 96 laps. Ananda-Lahari had a similar day like yesterday. Most of the day he was walking and he did 88 laps. Peto left before I could ask him how much he did. Today Purna-Samarpan left the race. His back problems did not improve, just the opposite. Therefore he decided it makes no sense to keep pushing and risk a permanent damage of his health.
Day 40: Another hard day. The weather was awfully humid since the morning and when it was agetting little better at about 14:00 , it started to rain. And it rained until the end. Not much, but enough to keep us wet all the time, so I could hardly wait for the end of the day. Ananda-Lahari started running in the morning, but later he had to walk again. Finally he did 94 laps. Peto did 125 and Pali 104. Purna-Samarpan had problems with his back for a few hays. Probably a squeezed nerve. He was not getting better at all. Today he was able to do only a few laps before he took a break again.
Day 39: This morning I could not find my speed. Not that I was too slow, but I was slower than usual. At last I did 115 laps. Today I crossed the 4000 km mark. It means there is only the last 1000 km ahead of me. Ananda-Lahari had another day without energy. He was walking all day. He did 84 laps and after 23:00 he went to sleep. Pali did 105 laps. I did not manage to ask Peto how he did. Today they put new asphalt on the repaired road. Good for us, because the road was quite dusty.
Day 38: A hard day. It was raining since the morning. And moreover, it was Tuesday, when our side of the roadis cleaned. No cars can park there until 10:00. That is why our cars had to be parked much further than we are used to. The rain lasted until noon. Then there were showers from time to time, so we were wet for the whole day. This rather slowed me down. At last I was able to get 113 laps. Ananda-Lahari went to see a doctor for 1,5 hour. He wanted to know why he has so little energy. The doctor did not help him very much. He told him there is nothing serious with him, only he is exshausted. I made fun of him how he can be tired after only 3500 km. He did 82 laps today.In spite of the rain, Peto did not slow down. He did 126 laps and Pali did 106.
Day 37: Today was Peto´s birthday. He is 31 if I am not mistaken. So in the morning we started in party hats. The rest of the day was as usual. Right after the noon it looked like it was going to rain, but finally it was not. Ananda-Lahari had another hard day. In fact, he was walking all day. At last he pushed it to 88 laps. Peto gave himself a birthday present – 126 laps. Pali had 104 laps. I was a little slower than usual, I did 116 laps.
Day 36: Every day different groups come to play and sing at the race. This evening, when Tirtha form Germany and Ivana from Prague were playing, the passers-by also stopped and listened. Then I got an idea, a paralel of this race. This race is like a huge body. We, runners, are the legs of the body. The cooks are the belly. The race directors Rupanthar, Sahishnu a Sandhani are the brain of the body. Bipin and all his helpers are the hands of the body. Chiropractors and masseurs are the immune system. Utpal, who takes care of the blog, is the mouth of the body. Jowan, who takes care of the gallery, is the eyes of the body. All the singers and musicians are the heart of the body. And Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the race, is the soul. This big body cannot work without any of these parts. Only together they create a perfect unit.Peto sticks to his seventy miles. He finished at eleven with 128 laps. Ananda-Lahari had 104 laps, Pali 110. I finished with 121 laps.
Day 35: Five weeks behind us. Today the weather was warm again, but luckily it was not humid. Shortly before lunch a bus full of young people came to look at us. It was a group of teenagersfrom Manhattan. Every Saturday they choose an interesting place to see. Today they chose us.Most of us had quite a good mileage. Peto even did 130 laps. Ananda-Lagari had 98 and Pali 114 laps. I finished with 120 laps. That´s all, I am falling asleep.
Day 34: Another hot and humid day. I do not know if it was worse than yesterday, but it was worse for me. Maybe my worst day this year, although the result does not show it at all.120 laps is perfect. It is only how I felt the whole day. Pali had an excellent day, one of his best days for sure. 114 laps is really a good result. And he finished before 23:30. Ananda-Lahari is still fighting. But one day he cannot run in the morning, another day in the evening. Today he had 104 laps although in the evening he had to walk. I do not know how many laps Peto had. He disappeared before I could ask him.
Day 33: The first hot day. Not so much hot as damp. Although the temperature did not rise above 30°C, we were bathing in our own sweat. Ananda-Lahari had a difficult start of the day. Half-dead, he was only walking, but before noon he suddenly got new energyand started running again. He finished at 23:50 with 94 laps. Pali went well today and finished at 23:30 with 110 laps. Peto had problems with his shin in the evening and finished at 23:00 with 126 laps. I had quite a good day. I was able to keep the pace in the evening and so I finally had 121 laps.
Day 32: Sunny and warm. I was doing quite well, only in the evening as if my legs started losing strength. But I managed to run until the end, and I had 118 laps. Pali also hada good day. At 23:30 he had 110 laps.After yesterday, Ananda-Lahari also needed a good day. And I think he got it. Hefinished at 23:30 with 104 laps. Peto escaped before I could find out how many laps he ran, but I think he did enough.
Day 31: Another sunny and warm day. Asprihanal seems to be fully recovered. But Ananda-Lahari had a hard day. He was walking all the time and went home with 84 laps. Pali returned to his two breaks during the day, and in spite of that he did 107 laps. Peto did his usual 70 miles (128 laps) and I finished with 116 laps. I lost a few laps with the chiropractor and in the evening with the barber, but otherwise I had a good day.
Day 30: A sunny and warm day. After yesterday´s incident with the thieves we had maybe more guards on the course that during the rest of the race. But they were here only between 15:00 and 18:00, when it was most probable that they would come back. Asprihanal was trying to start running again. He did not run fast, but for the whole day. Ananda-Lahari was running in the morning, but in the afternoon he was just walking. He did 98 laps. Pali finished with 104 laps. I had quite a good day again, I finished with 117 laps.
Day 29: A day full of events. The thieves have come back again. I was running down the hill behind the school when I noticed a group of three boys on bicycles approaching me. When they were passing me, I realised it was the same group which attacked the girl and took her the phone. When I turned round, I saw Suprabha running behind me. She also recognized them as those who attacked her and started waving at me. The boys recognized me too, because as they were approaching Suprabha, they started to turn back to see how I will react. When they noteced that I stopped and was watching what they will do, they did not do anything. So today we were lucky. At about 21:00 we had another interesting event. On the other side of Grand Central a car crashed and caught fire. In a moment the whole track wac covered in an unpleasant artificial smoke. Luckily in a while firemen came and put everything in order. It seemed nobody was hurt. Asprihanal had serious problems today. He was hardly able to walk. He had stomach problems that took away all his energy. He vomited several times and in spite of one hour break he could hardly walk one lap. Therefore they took him to the doctor who gave him some medicaments. After using them he stopped vomiting, but the energy did not come back yet. During the day he was only able to walk a few laps and then he had to have a break again. We all hope he will be better tomorrow. Ananda-Lahari was also only walking. He did not have enough strength in his legs for running. Pali and Peto ran as usually. Peto finished at 23:00 with 128 laps and Pali 20 min later with 107 laps. I had quite a good day - I finished with 118 laps.
Day 28: The fourth week is over. Today Ananda-Lahari had an interesting experience. In the afternoon he was running in his special sun-protecting clothes. He was also wearing a hat that covered nearly his whole face and sunglasses. As he was walking towards the corner behind the school, a car stopped and a lady started screaming in a hysteric voice: Michel Jackson. She really must have been a great fan of his when she did not notice that her idol passed away a few weeks ago. The day was sunny, but in the evening it got cloudy and at 23:00 it started to rain. Just a quick review: Pali had a good day, at 23:20 he had 107 laps. Ananda-Lahari also had a good day, he did 113 laps. Peto did 125 and I did 117.
Day 27: Today two interesting things happened, which had nothing to do with running. The first thing was that at noon they started to repair Grand Central Service Road - which really deserved it - where we run. In a few hours the machines took off the surface from about half a km of the road and left. We only hope they will put on a new asphalt soon, it is very dusty. The other thing was that I was chasing a thief. At about 17:00 when I was leaving the camp I noticed a 12-year-old girl going in the opposite direction and phoning. A few moments later a group of three 12-14 - year-old boys passed me on bicycles. As they passed me, one of them turned back and was looking at the girl who was about 50 m away. When I looked in his face, I was surprised by the expression of his eyes. They were totally empty. I felt there was something wrong. Then the boy turned and quickly started to approach the girl. When he reached her, he threw his bike on the ground and tried to snatch her the phone. I immediately ran after him. When I almost reached him, he jumped on his bike and tried to escape. But after a few meters it was clear that he cannot get the bicycle moving faster before I reach him. So he threw the bike on the ground and started running. I was chasing him, but after 1700 miles 100m of sprinting was everything that I could do. The boy did not realised how lucky he was that I did not catch him. I do not understand how Ananda.Lahari can do his sprints. I was recovering from my 100 m for an hour. As for running, Peto had a minor problem with his hips, so he did "only" 122 laps. Ananda-Lahari also had a problem, he walked all day, but managed to get 96 laps anyway. Pali is running with only one break and today he finished with 104 laps at 23:30 . I was running quite well, I finished before midnight with 118 laps.
Day 26: Today Pranab went home. The race already finished for him some time ago, but he stayed here as a helper. This day had a shadow of an unpleasant experience. In the afternoon a few boys attacked Suprabha trying to steal her player. Luckily nothing happend, she only bruised her arm when they pushed her to the ground. They did not even succeed in stealing her player before they ran away. A similar incident happened a few years ago. Since that time a guard on a bicycle accompanies her after the sunset.Fortunately, Suprabha except of being one of the bestwomen ultra runners is inwardly very strong and this experience did not influence her. Otherwise, the day was quite normal. Peto did 124 laps, Ananda-Lahari, because of his sprinting in the last two hours, did 114 laps. Pali also had a good day. He was leaving at 23:30 with 107 laps. And I did 117 laps.
Day 25: This morning I reached 1550 miles, that is half of the race. From now on I am going down the hill. The day was sunny and not very hot. This year hot days have not come yet. Usually there are temperatures of 30°C alreadyin the first week of the race. This year there was only one day over 30°C . I think it helped us a lot. I felt stronger today than yesterday. The blister on my left food is getting better, but my toe nail on the left foot got inflamed. But I do not feel it while running, so I do not worry too much. Today I did 119 laps. Peto did his usual 70 miles (128 laps). Ananda-Lahari was also doing well and finished at23:15 with 115 laps. Pali feels he is too slow, so he cancelld one of his two breaks. We will see if it helps. But today he finished with 104 laps.
Day 24: Another warm and sunny day, but we had also rain at about 15:00. Luckily, I had a break at that time, so it did not affect me. I did not have a crisis like yesterday, but I was slower than before anyway. In spite of that I was able to run 116 laps. Also Ananda-Lahari looked much better than yesterday. In the evening he was sprinting again and finished with 128 laps, that is 70 miles. Even Peto stayed behind him. At 23:00 he had "only" 124 laps. Pali was also trying his best. He finished at 23:25 with 104 laps.
Day 23: A hard day. At least for me it was the hardest day of this year. Although there seemed to be no reason for it. The weather was suunny, but not unbearably hot. Only somehow I did not have energy in the morning. I felt strongth in my legs, but as if there was no energy left in my body. At noon I started to consider having a break sooner, but somehow I managed until 15:00. After the break it was a little better, but still not so good. At last I finished quite well. I did 114 laps. But I was not alone who had problems today. Ananda-Lahari ran quite well for the first part of the day, but in the evening he looked like a walking dead body. He said that after the second break all his energy disappeared. He finished at 22:45 with 98 laps. Pali went as usual, although maybe he was planning a little more.. Peto went very well. At 23:00 he had 128 laps. Today he even completed the first half of the race.
Day 22: A warm and sunny day, but the hot days have not started yet. Temperatures are about28°C. Today Peto had a more difficult day, too, so he was not pushing until the end. He finished at 23:00 with 123 laps. After a long time Ananda-Lahari had a better day and at23:10 he was leaving satisfied with111 laps. Pali on the other hand had a more difficult day. His feet did not want to carry him, so he left at23:35 with102 laps. I still had a problem with my blister, and I did not want to push too much. I finished at midnight with 119 laps. A group of girls who come to sing for us every morning decided to decorate our track by planting new flowers. During the whole days cars were coming with new plants and tools. In the evening there was nearly no space left for planting another flower.
Day 21: Three weeks have passed. Today we had a warm and sunny day. It was July 4th which is Independence day in the USA. Pranab has a new job: he became a shoe maker. He was exchanging the soles of our shoe. It is good for me, because the new Asics GT 2140 last a very short time. Ususally after 2 days the sole is worn out, but I always try to wear them for an additional extra day. When I calculated the price of these shoes (90 USD) per kilometer, 1 km of running in them may be more expensive that driving a car. Peto had his classical day, he left at 23:00 with 126 laps.Ananda-Lahari had a hard day, especially in the afternoon. He finished 108 laps. Pali had a similar day. I had quite a good morning. But before the break (at 15:00) I startedto develop a new blister on my foot. During the break it got better, but at about 21:00 it came again and for the last 2 hours it was tough. I finished half an hour before midnight with 116 laps.
Day 20: We had a sunny weather with only a 5 minute shower at about 16:00. After yesterday´s bad timeAsprihanal had a much better day. At about noon he started to feel better. Peto had another good day. At 23:00 he had 70 miles (128 laps). Pali went up to 106 laps, Ananda-Lahari had 108 laps. I managed to get 120 laps until midnight.
Day 19: The weather forecast luckily did not come true. It was not raining the whole day. We had only two storms, but it was worth it. The first one came shortly after17:00 and lasted for about 15 min, but in that short time everything was flooded with water. The second storm came two hours later, lasted about 20 min and also flooded everything. This is always the worst thing to happen. You change your shoes and when the second storm comes, everything is wet again. During the second storm there were a lot of thundersbolts, which struck quite near. One of them hit the fence of the school, about50m from Ananda-Lahari. Luckily, nobody was touching the fence at that time. Today Asprihanal had a very hard day. He was walking nearly the whole day.Also the second runner Grahak had problems with a painful blister on his foot. Behind him on 3rd place is now Peto who did 125 laps until 23:10 today. Pali had 105 laps and Ananda-Lahari 108: I had a good morning again, but the rain slowed me down. In spite of that I managed to do 122 laps until 23:50.
Day18: In the morning it looked as if it was going to start raining any moment, but it did not. The afternoon was clear and hot. I think also this helped runners to have good results. Best of us was naturally Peto who pushed it up to 128 laps, finishing at 23:00. I felt quite tired in the morning and I was quite surprised when I finished with 121 laps. Pali and Ananda-Lahari both did 106 laps, and Pali was running almost all day after a long time. We will see what is waiting for us tomorrow. The weather forecast says - rainy all day.
Day 17: This day started like yesterday, sunny and hot. At noon it was maybe too hot, but at 19:00 it started pouring rain. Luckily it took only an hour. Pali had a hard day, but he fought on bravely until 23:30, when he went home with 96 laps. Ananda-Lahari had problems too. His feet were without energy. But I did not manage to ask him how many laps he had. Peto seemed to have a regular day, he finished at 23:00 with 124 laps. I had a good day too. I was running quite well since the morning anf finished with 120 laps. I am falling asleep again, I will go to bed.
Day 16: I somehow failed to publish the news yesterday, so I am publishing two. We had another sunny day with temperatures of 27°C. Today four runners crossed the 1000 miles. Peter did early in the morning, Pushkar around noon, I shortly after 20:00 and 2 hours later Vladimir. Peter did 70 miles and finished at 23:00. It seems that he began to speed up. Ananda-Lahari had 102 laps and finished at 23:15.Pali did 98 laps till 23:30. I stayed to the end as usual. I managed to get 116 laps.
Day 15: Warm and sunny day. Not a hot one. So far we had only one day over 30°C, which is quite unusual. As far as I remember we always had a few days over 30°C at the beginning. Peter finished only a few miles under 1000 miles, so tomorrow he will pass the 1000 mile mark. He had 123 laps at 23:00. Yesterday Asprihanal crossed 1000 miles, and today also Grahak. Ananda-Lahari had another hard day. His legs did not function properly and he walked all day. He went home at 23:15 with 91 laps. Pali had a hard day too. He said that he was falling asleep most of the time. He finished with 98 laps at 23:20. I was quite well today. In the morning I was falling asleep, but it happens nearly every morning. But my legs worked quite well. I was running till midnight and finished with 117 laps. We were weighed today. I lost about 2 kilos, it is OK for now. But Ananda-Lahari gained, so we said that we will have to put him on a diet.
Day 14 Two weeks are gone. The weather forecast wasn't exactly true. It was hot, but wasn't raining. Ananda-Lahari started to run again, but not before the evening. He ran till 11:15pm and had 111 laps. Peter held his third position. He had 125 laps at 11:00pm. Pali is steadily gaining the speed. He had 106 laps at 11:30pm. I took 118 laps till the midnight. My end. My eyes are closing over the PC.
Day 13: A sad news was annonced at the start today. Organizers decided to remove Pranab from the race. After having two free days - day 4th and 5th - his allergy got better. But as soon as he started to run, it got worse again. Even medicine given him by the doctor in hospital failed to help him. So that is why the decision has been made to protect his health and he had to stop runnig. Rest of us had multi-farious day. It was raining in the morning but in the afternoon there was a real heat and at the end of the day the downpour came again. Ananda - Lahari had one of those days when he is not able to run. He was walking almost the whole day. After all he finished 93 laps at 11.30pm. Pali continued the race with good daily results. He finished at 11.30 pm with 105 laps. I ran till the end af a day and got 117 laps. Petr kept the third place and had 122 laps at 11.00pm. We expect similar weather tommorow as we had today. I suppose it will be raining but the heat will not be so bad as today. Day 12: Finally there was a day without the rain. I think, it was only the second day without rain so far. The most of us went along quite well today. Except for Ananda-Lahari. He walked in the morning, like last few days; but he could not run in the evening, unlike the previous days. Eventually he made 87 laps, untill 11:15pm. Pranab was running from the morning, although in the early evening he lost his energy for a while. He stopped at 11:15pm with 114 laps. Peter still keeps his place in front. Today he was over at 11:00pm with 122 laps. Pali gradually gains speed, as well. He had 105 laps at 11:30pm. I went quite well today. At last I wasn't annoyed by any blisters so I could speed up a little bit. I made 117 laps till 11:55pm. Tomorrow the temperature should rise over 86°F (30°C), for the first time, but probably with rain.
Day 11: As in the days before, it has rained today - twice. Two short showers. There should no rain tommorow and that would make it the second day without rain so far. Petr goes on running steadily even though he has been feeling the start of shinsplit for a few days. I did not manage to ask him how many laps he did so I do not know. Pranab is slowly gettig into shape. Even though he suffered from shinsplit all the morning, he did 115 laps by 11.15pm. Ananda - Lahari was really slow all the morning and afternoon just to take off at high speed in the evening. Then he did an a lap in 3-4 min on average. He had 111 laps at 11.20pm. It seems that Pali got over his shinsplit and that he started to speed up. He finished around 11.15pm with 103 laps. I was quite slow in the morning. I suffered because of my blister but in the afternoon it got better and I could speed up a little. I enjoyed the run till about 11.15pm but then I had enough. I know that I am really tired the moment I start seeing things that do not exist. This happened to me at 6-day race last year. I was running half asleep and suddenly I saw a dwarf standing at the curb and looking at me. After a short while I realised that it was not a dwarf but a hydrant.
Day 10: We were taking our body weight today, it was the first time, so next week we will be able to tell if we don't loose weight too much. My weight hasn't changed so much yet. It was raining only in the evening, just for a while but profusely. Pranab have some dificulties with his coxa (hip joint) at noon, so for a few hours he only walked. Finally he got 113 laps, at 11:15pm. Ananda-Lahari suffered a lot in the morning. Although in the evening he came up with his run "3 minutes for a lap". Finally he has 111 laps, at 11:15pm. Peter is running forward and he made 123 laps. Pali could finally run for almost all day. At 11:15pm he had 100 laps. I suffered from my blister also today. The last 3 hours were really tough. Eventually I made 112 laps till midnight. One story from track, that happened to Diganta: About lunchtime, a few days ago, it was quite hot he took a non-alcoholic bear and with delight he walked along the track. Suddenly the policemen stopped him and asked him how is he. He showed them a can of bear and said: Now I am fine. Then he realised that alcoholic drinks are forbidden to drink in public by law. So he said them his bear is non-alcoholic. They only smiled and said they had to check. Day 9: It was rainning again, but luckily only for a short period and gently, so after a long time we found the weather pleasant. However many of us had a hard time today. Hard day had also Peter, who said it was the hardest day so far. He felt a shinsplit emerging on his leg so he slowed down a little bit. But even this didn't prevent him to complete 115 laps untill 11.00pm. This day was hard also for Pranab. He sufferd from pain in his coxa (hip joint), so he had to slow down. He had 113 laps at 11.10pm. Ananda-Lahari had a slow day. Only at the end of the day he made a few fast laps and finished at 11.45pm with 113 laps. I had quite a good day except for blisters on my feet. I ran short of energy at the end of the day but at 11.45pm I had 112 laps. Pali disappeared before I asked him how many laps he made, but his shinsplit is still torturing him.
Day 8 It's raining all the time. I guess there were more rainy days this year than during the whole race last year. It was raining when we came to the starting line. It stopped before the lunch only to continue just after it. And then there was one more downpour in the evening. I hardly remember how it to run in dry clothes and shoes is. Pali felt well in the morning and it seemed the worst part of his shinsplit was gone. But when the afternoon downpour started, shinsplit stroke him fully and it was even worse than before. He can only walk again and he got 82 laps till the evening. Anada-Lahari ran his crazy fast way in the evening. Then he was finished at 10:40pm with 115 laps. Peťo ran well, but I cannot get how much. Pranab ended at 11:10 with 120 laps. He is improving a lot and he'll definitely have something to say in the total rank. I ran quite well although the rain doesn't make my bruises on my feet better, obviously. I was over about 11:55pm with 111 laps. The Father's Day marathon took place today. So, it was very interesting to look at another running people.
Day 7: Another rainy day. In fact the whole first week was rainning constantly. If I am not mistaken, we had 4 rainy days out of 7. And there was realy o lot of rain there. According to the weather forecast more rainy days are before us. It seems that Pranab is getting much better. Today he finished at 11.10pm with 121 laps. It was also nice to see Pali to make a run at times. He finished also at 11.10pm with 87 laps. We hope he will be able run again, maybe tommorow. Let us see. Ananda - Lahari finished at 11.30pm, he had lack of energy today and suffered from a shinsplit. He had 101 laps. I had a good time untill about 10.00pm. Then it started to rain again and it took a lot of my energy. I ended with walking at 11.40pm with 113 laps.
Day 6 Today there was a nice weather after rainy yesterday. Pranab appeared on the starting line after his 2-days absence, too. He only walked at first, but eventually he ran a lot. He said Gaurish the chiropractor was a great help to him. Gaurish comes to see us approximately every other day. In the afternoon Pranab fell down badly and hit his pelvis. Even though his pain was almost gone, he seemed to still have some troubles. Today Gaurish made something of his right and Pranab felt as if he started to use all muscles on his legs. I don't remember how much he covered, but it was more than 100 laps. Pali wasn't allowed to run because of his shinsplit today. Peťo -- even this day -- ran outstandingly and he got 117 laps at 11pm. Today there was a harder day also for Ananda-Lahari, he finished at 11pm with 101 laps, I think. I ran overall well, except for my bruises from last days. I ran till midnight and finished with 112 laps. Asprihanal has unusual injury -- he has pulled his elbow. There are two possibilities how he got it: first carrying an umbrella during the rain, second his unique running style -- he flops his hands. We are making a fun of him he got a hand-shinsplit. Day 5:A wet day. It was rainnig constantly from the morning untill 3pm. After that it was rainnig with little breaks till the end of a day. It means that blisters get worse at least in my case. Today Pranab wasn't running yet. He underwent blood test and in 10 days he should know if his illness is not something more serious. However he should show up at the start tommorow. He is still suffering because of his shinsplint, but inspite of that he wants to try to run again after two days off. Today Pali had another tought walking day, he was not able to run because of his shinsplint. He finished with 81 laps. Ananda-Lahari is suffering a mild cold. In fact there hasn't been any heat durring the race yet. On the contrary, it is very cold especially in the evening. Eventually he finished at 11.30pm with 91 laps. Peter ran easily again and untill 11.00pm he made 116 laps. Big part of the day he ran with Vlado from Ukraine, who studied in Czech Republic, so he can speak czech very well. I was not pushing too much during the rain. I didn't want to make the blisters on the bottom of my feet even worse, but failed in that anyway. I ran short of energy around 10.00pm so I did only 106 laps untill 11.50pm, I guess. Day 4: Pranab's alergy didn't get better at all during the night, on the contrary. Now it was clear he wil have to go to the doctor. His legs and hands were full of wattery blisters, some of them 5 cm in diameter. He wasn't allowed to run with them and went to the doctor in the afternoon. Doctor said it was a kind of chemical alergy and gave him a cream. Masterminds decided he won't run today and also tomorrow. Then we will see. Today was a difficult day for Pali, also. He fully came under his shinsplint and it turned him into a walker. Finally he was over at 10:15pm with 81 laps. Peter ran well so far, without any trouble. He stopped running at 10:45pm with 117 laps. My digestion got better from yesterday, so I was able to run until 11:40, 110 laps. Ananda-Lahari finished a while before me and he had about two laps less. Fortunately injuries are keeping away from us, three guys; although, it was really tough for me. However this race is about it, too. Tomorrow is expected to be another rainy day, so we are really thrilled... Day 3: First day without rain. Nevertheless this day was very hard for some of us. One of those unlucky ones was Pranab. Like last year he got waterish blisters all over his body that are probably allergic reaction on sun or on some ingredient of newyork atmosphere. Shinsplit and problems with gripped nevre in his back are making it even worse. Because of the blisters on his shinsplit, he cannot put anything on them. That is why he was walking whole day and finished at 10pm with 81 laps. Pali felt shinsplit right from the morning but he was albe to ran with it. Ananda - Lahari was running and walking till the end of day and he completed 118 laps. He was changing runing and walking almoust all day. Petr looks perhaps the best among us. He got no big problems untill now. He finished around 11pm with 117 laps. I had troubles with excretion right from the beginnig of the day so I spent most of the time at the toilet. In spite of it my legs didn't fail me untill around 10pm when I had to start walking.
Day 2: Hard day. It has been rainnig since we left the house. This is perhaps one of the things that most of the runners hate. You have not even started running and you are completely wet. It was rainning for around two hours. And I felt sleepy till noon. I was falling asleep all the time. I guess it was because of the weather. Around noon the weather improved and I felt much better. Actually only till 17.30 when the clouds came again and it started to rain. It was rainnig for the next hour and a half but it was enough to rob us of what energy we had left. Most of us started to walk. Somewhere during this time Pranab started to feel his shin splint so he walked, I ran of energy and started to drag. It seems that only Pali and Peto were managinging well. Peto finished around 22.30 with 123 laps and Pali had as well 123 laps by 22.50. Pranab walked till 22.50 and had 115 laps. I continued till 23.35 and had 121 laps. By the time I left, Ananda - Lahari had 125 laps and hewent on. Today Stutheeshil had quite serious problems, too and he walked almost all day. By the way, Pali Saraz decided to publish audio recordings every day - on what happened on the track. You can find it at our Ultrablog here...... Day 1: In the morning we went to the start a bit sooner to prepare few last things. We were very pleasantly surprised when the Slovak consul in New York - Mr. Igor Pokorny and his wife - came to see us. The race started at 6am and immediately with the start command started a rain. It was very special like a kind of purifying rain. The rain lasted only few laps and then the sky was overcast. However the starting field was pulled apart by the rain, because some runners were looking for umbrella or mackintosh right after the first lap, so I met some of them again after many hours, because we ran at similar pace. The day was passing by and I felt OK. But after a break at 3pm came a decline, I was running out of energy. I had to eat properly and after some 2 hours later it got better. Somebody planted few flowers under the trees along the track and we were happy and grateful for that since it improved our ambiance. I only hope at least few flowers will remain until the end of the race, because before evening some disappeared already. In the afternoon the sky cleared up and the sun started to shine. Although it wasn't extremely hot we had to pour water into us at full fart. All our guys ran excellently. Paul Saraz stopped first, but the last hour whirled greatly. He ended around 10:45pm, but had 139 laps on his account. Around 11pm Peter Spacil ended with 142 laps. Pranab struggled a bit today and few last laps he had to walk, but ended around 11:15pm with 138 laps. I packed it a while before 11:30pm with 140 laps. And at the end around 11:45 Ananda-Lahari stopped with 80,5 miles. Tomorrow should be similar weather as today, with the exception that morning should be warmer and in the afternoon could rain. Day -1: Last day before start. We had 2 mile race in the morning. Most of the runners did it. This is going to be our last memory of speed. From tomorrow we are going to be slow. In the afternoon we had meeting of all runners and organizers. We have got last instructions and we have discuses our requirements for food and other stuff. Day -2: Tonight around 3am for New York typical heavy rain has started and our basement, where Pranab is staying was flooded. He was taking out water until 5:30. Than in the evening we made about 30cm deep ditch around one part of the house so next time water will go out on the street, otherwise Pranab will have to move to some upper floor. Than later we went to watch new documentary movie about Suprabha together (trailer is on my blog). It's really inspiring, I recommend to watch it. Day -3: There are three days to the start of the 13th annual 3100 Miles Race. Start is on Sunday June 14th 2009. All the runners are here already except Asprihanal. He is arriving close to the start of the race. It is rainy weather here and quite cold in the evening. Everybody is shopping and doing last preparations before start. This year there will be 13 runners on the start. There are their profiles:
Suprabha Beckjord, 53, Washington DC, USA Suprabha is one of the most prolific super-long distance runners in the world, as well as defining longevity in the sport. She is the only twelve-time finisher of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race, and still the only female competitor. Her best is 49 days, 14 hours for 3100 miles, ranking her fifteenth all-time. To date, she has run 39,900 miles or 64,212 km around the 3100 mile racecourse after totaling the 3100’s and the original 2700 miler. This is a grand total of 72,708 laps. In the decade of the nineties, she compiled 20,108 multiday racing miles in 14 multiday events. She is the American women’s record holder for 700, 1000 and 1300 miles. She is only one of three people ever to finish the 1300 mile race three times or more. She was first woman in the 1996 Sri Chinmoy 2700 Mile Race, third overall out of six people, establishing new records beyond 1300 miles up to 2700 miles. Suprabha won the Sri Chinmoy Seven-Day race five times earlier in her career, and has held the women’s world record for 1000 miles as well. She owns a gift shop in Washington, DC. and has been a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team for many years. Asprihanal Aalto,38,Helsinki, Finland One of the best endurance runners in the world, Asprihanal is ranked second all-time for 3100 miles (43 days 4 hours). Last year he won the 3100 miler for the fifth time in eight total finishes. He averaged 70.28 miles(113.10 km) per day. In 2006 he ran an amazing streak of 23 straight days at over 70 miles each day. His victories and number of finishes are both 3100 mile records for men. For three straight years he ran all three yearly Self-Transcendence multidays in New York (six days, 3100 miles, 700 miles)- a feat unprecedented in multiday annals. Asprihanal has emerged victorious in the Six Day Race three times, (2003 -457 miles and 2004-433 miles,2007-505 miles) winning each race with supreme efforts on the last day. He has also hiked the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail in the US in solo fashion, covering 60 km per day for up to twelve weeks. Asprihanal works as a courier and delivery man when not running a long race somewhere! Pranab Vladovic, 33, Trnava, Slovakia Pranab finished second in 2008 in another personal best (45 days,13 hours) averaging 68.02 miles per day (109.47 km). He is ranked fourth alltime and is a four-time finisher. He ran 3100 miles in 2007 in 46 days, 14 hours. In 2006, Pranab took fifth place, finishing six days and 16 hours faster than the previous year by running 3100 miles in 47 days, 13 hours. Pranab has run 17 ultras and 30 marathons in 12 years of running. His bests include 644 miles for 10 days in 2004, and 386 miles for six days.
Grahak Cunningham, 32, Perth, Australia Last year Grahak, in his second attempt, finished 3100 miles in 46 days, 11 hours, setting a new Australian record. He moved all the way up to fifth in the 3100 rankings from 14th place. In 2007 with little multiday experience he completed the 3100 mile race in his first attempt in 50 days, three hours.
Petr Spacil, 30, Zlin, Czech Republic Last year Petr made a quantum leap in his performance in the 3100, finishing fourth in 48 days,11 hours, an improvement by four days. In 2007 Petr finished his first 3100 mile race in 52 days,12 hours, only a few weeks after winning the Ten Day race in May with a total of 670 miles. Petr has run 15 ultras and seven multidays with good success at longer distances. In 2004 he finished fourth in the Ten day with 612 miles. He has a split of 646 miles for ten days from the 2004 1300 mile race, where he eventually ran 1085 miles.
Pranjal Milovnik,36,Bratislava,Slovakia Last year Pranjal broke through a difficult barrier, finishing the 3100 miler in 49 days, 10 hours and moving up to thirteenth in the rankings from 20th position. In 2006 he reached 3100 miles in 51 days, 16 hours in his second attempt, which was an improvement of 7 days, 21 hours. He has completed the world’s longest footrace four times. He has run 1000 miles in 16 days, 3 hours, including splits of 622 miles for 10 days and 392 for six days. Pranjal has been running for 15 years and has completed 33 ultras, including 9 multidays and two Ironman Triathlons. Ananda-Lahari Zuscin, 34, Košice, Slovakia Another four-time finisher of 3100 miles, Ananda Lahari finished in fifth place in 49 days, 16 hours in 2007. In 2006 he set a personal best of 49 days, 14 hours reaching his goal eight days, 21 hours faster than his previous finish. Ananda Lahari has run 19 ultras in 21 years of running. His bests include 374 miles for six days, 622 miles for10 days, and 16 days, 3 hours for 1000 miles.
Stutisheel Lebedyev, 39, Kiev, Ukraine Last year Stutisheel ran his personal best of 50 days, 11 hours for 3100 miles, averaging 61.42 miles (98.85 km). He has now completed five 3100 milers. In his first attempt in 2004, he completed 3100 miles in 53 days, 3 hours. Stutisheel has been running for over 26 years, and has run over 37 ultras and numerous marathons, with a best of 2:46. He has won the Sri Chinmoy Invitational 47 miler (2002), as well as run long relay runs throughout Europe and Russia. A ski racer in his youth, Stutisheel attained a candidate bid for master of his sport. He lives with his wife Atandra, and daughter Alakananda in Kiev. Diganta Adhikari, 29, Innsbruck, Austria A three-time finisher of the 3100, Diganta completed the 3100 miler in 2006 in 50 days+11 hours, moving him up to sixteenth on the all-time rankings, and still at a tender age for multiday specialists. In 2005 he completed the 3100 miler in 50 days, 14 hours, in his first attempt at the distance. Diganta has run over 20 ultras in ten years of running. His bests include 611 miles in 12 days, 525 in 10 days, and 352 miles for six days.
Pavol Saraz, 33, Komjatice, Slovakia Pavol reached 2700 miles last year in his first attempt at the 3100 miler. With a full year of training Pavol is now primed for a good performance. He has been running for ten years and has run 24 ultras and four multidays. His previous best race was the 2007 Ten Day race, where he finished in third place with 636 miles.
Pushkar Mullauer, 35, Zurich, Switzerland This will be Pushkar’s second attempt at 3100 miles. Last year he ran 2290 miles before injuries forced his retiring from the race. He has run 20 ultras including six multidays. His best performance was the 2003 700 miler, when he finished first for the men in 10 days, 17 hours. He has personal best of 409 miles for six days, and 669 miles for 10 days. He has been running for ten years. Vladimir Balatsky, 37, Doneck, Ukrajina Vladimir will be attempting his first 3100 miler after nine years of running. He has completed 10 ultras and six multidays with a best of 660 miles for 10 days and 427 miles for six days.
Purna-Samarpan Querhammer, 32, Hamburg, Germany This will be the first attempt at 3100 miles for Purna-Samarpan. He has been running for 12 years during which time he has completed 13 Ultras (including last year’s six day race in New York), and 38 marathons (15 of them this year).
Muži: 1. Mohamad Ahansal, MAR, 16:27:26 2. Aziz El Akad, MAR, 16:31:40 3. Salameh Al Aqra, JOR, 17:15:06 234. Stanislav Kmec, SVK, 31:04:25 Ženy: 1. Touda Didi, MAR, 23:30:44 2. Meghan Hicks, USA, 24:29:16 3. Luz Perez Carbajo, ESP, 24:38:32
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