KEep it up pranjal. There have been complaints that you have been drinking too much coffee! Grahak (3100 Mile Race 2014)
Podľa mňa, je to vec osobnej voľby. Všetky tieto ultraľahke topánky majú výhodu, že neupra . . . (Topánky na behanie)
A vivobarefoot topank? v poslednom čase su tie topanky vel'mi popularne... aky je vaš nazor? (Topánky na behanie)
3100 Mile Race 2011
Vydané dňa 12. 06. 2011 (11832 prečítaní)
Day 54: The weather on the last day turned up to be very nice. The temterature again did not rise over 30°C and it was partly cloudy. Pradeep finished the race at about 15:00 and so he became the first Dutchman who has ever run this race. Surasa finished at 21:30. In her case it is an unbelievable performance, because a week ago she got a broken muscle in her calf. It seemed that is the end of the race for her, but with an unbelievable will power she continued and finally she managed to finish. When she finished, the race also officially finished, because Ananda-Lahari decided to finish at the same time. How to summarize this year´s race? As usual,the weather played a big role. In the first part of the race it was dry and sometimes, especially in the morning and evening, also cold. And the second part of July was hot to the extreme that the race had to be stopped for one day, which has never happened in the history of this race. But that is what makes this race probably the most difficult running event in the world.
Day 53: Today after a long time the temperature dropped under 30°C. But it had also disadvantages. At 18:00 it began to rain and it went on until midnight, so when Stutisheel finished at 22:30, it was in rain. This was Stutisheel´s seventh finish of eight attempts. Tomorrow is the last day of the race. Pradeep is supposed to finish in the afternoon and Surasa in the evening. The official end of the race will be at midnight.
Day 52: Compared with yesterday it was not so humid, but it was equally hot. All the remaining runners are steadily approaching their goal. Ananda-Lahari did 85 laps again. Stutisheel, who should finish tomorrow at about 22:00, has a little bit problem with a painful nerve in his leg, but it did not slow him down very much. Pradeep celebrated his birthday today which gave him extra energy and Surasa continues striving, most probably she will reach 3100 miles on Thursday evening, shortly before the limit.
Here is video from Atmavir's finish:
Day 51: It was hot and humid. But Atmavir ran his last laps at a steady pace and at about 15:00 he came to the goal of the 3100 mile race for the fifth time. As last year, also this year high temperatures and humidity prevented him from approaching his maximum, but he ran very well anyway, taking into account what kind of problems he had to face. Today Surasa went even better than yesterday and if she keeps the pace that she had yesterday and today, she will finish the race on time. It will be enough if she runs 103 laps a day. Ananda-Lahari had 85 laps today.
Day 50: Today it was a little bit colder than yesterday, but there was more humidity. But in spite of that all the remaining runners are getting nearer their goal. Atmavir went well and he did 115 laps. There are 65 laps remaining for tomorrow, that means he should finish sometimes between 15:00 and 16:00. Ananda-Lahari had 80 laps today. Surasa is going on. She was trying to run all day. If she manages to keep this pace, she should be able to finish on time. Stutisheel is supposed to finish on Wednesday and Pradeep on Thursday.
Here is the video from Asprihanal's finish:
Day 49: Today was my last day of this year´s 3100 mile race. At about 8:30 I ran to my goal. It was not my personal best time, but if there was not the day off, I would have probabaly improved my last year´s best time for a few hours. After a short ceremony I continued to do the remaining 13 laps to 5000km, which I did at about 11:30. I was sleeping for the rest of the day. It was hot but with low humidity, at least until the evening when the humidity increased. In spite of the heat Atmavir was running at a very good pace and he did 118 laps. Ananda-Lahari went in his classical style and he did about 80 laps. Susasa is still striving. She kepps going in spite of her injury. She is only walking, but she is striving for the chance to finish the race.
Here is the video from my finish:
Day 48: This day began with rain. Already in the morning, when I was coming to the camp, it was raining. It rained only until 6:30, but that was enough for us to get drenched completely. Then it was cloudy until about 19:00 when it began to pour. It poured on for about 2 hours. In my case the rain was accompanied by digestion problems that I have had for the last few days. So I did altogether 112 laps today. There are 18 laps remaining for tomorrow, so I will finish at about 8:30. Atmavir was the fastest on the track today. He did 120 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking again and he did 83 laps. In the morning Surasha came and tried to walk. But evidently it was with enormous effort that she walked. At about 8:00 she went to see the doctor. Later they told us that she has a slightly torn off muscle deep inside her calf. Then she stayed at home, but at about 22:00 she came to the track again and she was walking. It was much better than in the morning, so let us hope that she feels better tomorrow and so that she has the chance to finish the race.
Day 47: Today Asprihanal finished the race. At the beginning he ran very well and it seemed that he would improve his own personal record. But then, a few days before the end, problems came and his hopes vanished. Until the very end, it means even today, his problems were not solved completely and he had to walk most of this day. Finally he crossed the finish line for the eleventh time in his life at about 18:30. Today bad luck chose another victim. In the afternoon Surasa got sharp pains in her calf which did not alllow her to continue. She tried after several hours but it was the same. Tomorrow we will see if it improved. Ananda-Lahari was walking and he did 85 laps. Atmavir was running and he did 116. I did 114 laps today, 130 laps remaining until the end, so I should finish sometimes on Saturday morning.
Here is the video from Igor's finish:
Deň 46: In the morning Sarvagata came to finish 13 laps to get 5000 km. At 8:30 Igor finished the race. So the Ukrainians conquered the 3100 mile race this year. They both were a great surprise because so far neither of them had a performance that would indicate such result. But it was a very pleasant surprise. The day was warm and dry, but not hot. For me it was a hard day again. As if all the problems now gathered in the end and attacked me together. I was running somehow slowly and in the evening I got some digestion problems which I was successfully avoiding until now. But what can I do.. I hope I will be OK until morning. I managed to do 114 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking and he did 81 laps. Atmavir was first running, but during the day in the heat he was only walking. In the evening he was running again. I think he did 104 laps.
Here is the video from Sarvagata's finish:
Day 45: It seems not a single lap will be given to me free. As if it was becoming more and more difficult with each laps. At least in the morning I have this feeling. Today it was warm and in the morning also humid, but it was manageable. Only after the break, as yesterday, some of my strength came back. At 21:00 there was a downpour, very short but very intense. This naturally meant another time loss because of changing shoes. Finally I did 116 laps. Atmavir went more carefully than yesterday because of the heat and he did 118 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking his classical style. He did 87 laps. At about 19:30 Sarvagata finished. He was running an unbelievable race. Until now he was able to run only something over 600 miles in 10 days and now here he could keep the average over 70 miles a day. His performance would be even more unbelievable if not for the day off. He set a new record for somebody who runs the race for the first time.
Day 44: Today it was, at least for me, a very hard day. I do not know if it was because of the weather, but somehow I could not run well in the morning. It was cloudy and the rain was about to fall, but it fell only at 15:00. It went on until19:00. Luckily right after that I changed my shooes. In the evening I could run better, but I managed to do only 119 laps. Ananda-Lahari had 91 laps today, but the main star was Atmair, who was literally flying on the track. Finally he did 134 laps. Tomorrow, sometimes in the evening, Sarvagata will finish the race.
Day 43: After the day off, again on the track. Moreover, after a long time we had also acceptable weather. It was cloudy since the morning. Though in the morning was wet , humidity quickly disappeared. In the afternoon it was even raining and this also made the air more fresh. Most of us felt better after the day off and they could ran well today. Except Ananda-Lahari, maybe. He was walking since the morning again and in the evening he had 87 laps. Atmavir tried to be careful, but he was running all day. In the evening he finished with 107 laps. I went quite well today, although I was a little bit more slower than I would expect after the day off. Speed came only in the aftenoon and so I finally did 123 laps, which did not happen to me for a long time.
Day 42: So as I have written, today we did not run. The temperature was somewhere at 39°C. When there is only one day like this, it can be managed. But for more than a week temperatures rose high above 30°C and even in the night they there was only a few degrees below this number. This cumulates, and yesterday it became totally critical. More of us had serious problems yesterday and if we had to run today, it might not have finished well. Although I lost the opportunity to run my presonal best time, I respect the decission of the race directors. Like most of us, I spent most of the time in bed sleeping and eating. Twice a day they brought us lots of food, so we were not starving. At about 21:30, when the temperature dropped, I went to run my obligatory two miles. Although the race is stopped for today, it does not mean I do not have to run.
Day 41: This day could be characterized by only one word: hell. Already in the morning, when I came to the start, it was almost 30°C and 95% humidity. And later it was only getting worse. The humidity decreased, but the temperature increased like crazy. Already after a couple of hours it was clear to us that today it will not be about miles but about how to survive. Already in the morning most of us only staggered. I was able to run (although it could hardly be called running) even when the temperature started to approach 40°C, only because I was constantly holding a bag with ice in each hand and another one under my cap. When I stopped for a break at 15:00, the temperature was 41,2°C in the shadow. The earth was so hot we could fry eggs on it. When the wind was blowing, it was like the air from an open heated oven. Hot air was burning the eyes and sweat was burning the skin. Although I was drinking as much as I could, at 17:00 I was so dehydrated that I had to start walking and pouring into myself litres of water. After an hour I was OK, but at 22:00 I completely ran out of energy and I only walked until the end. Finally I had 104 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking all day. Also he said that it was hot when he found a sweated spot on his T-shirt as big as a 2 euro coin (Ananda-Lahari refuses to sweat on the priciple). At last he did some 74 laps. Atmavir had a hard day. Though he was trying to jog slowly all day, at 20:00 his organism said enough. He was sick and his body was burning. Therefore they rather drove him home straight away. Tomorrow he will most probably be recovering and he will not run. Ashprihanal´s original plan for today was only to walk a few laps and then go home, but finally he stayed and was walking all day. Tomorrow he will hopefully be able to run. Tomorrow we should have a similar weather as today, only with a little bit lower temperature. Luckily. Update (1:30 a.m.): I have just received a phone call from the race director that the race will be stopped for one day. Tomorrow´s forecast represents too big health risk after today´s heat. The race will continue on Sunday at 6:00 and the time limit will be extended for two more days.
Day 40: Asprihanal spent most of the night in hospital where he got two infusions. They said it was exhaustion from the heat but according to me it was a sunstroke. He had something similar last year. In the morning he normally came to the start, but he was not OK in the least. After three hours they drove him home to get some sleep. He came back at 18:30 and he looked and also felt better. It is a great loss for him. He had a chance to finish the race in his personal best time and now, a few days before the planned finish this happened to him. But this is how it is at a race like this. You cannot be sure how it turns out until the very last day. Generally, it was terribly wet today so I had a very hard day. When the sun went up, humidity decreased. But at the same time, temperature went up too. But the humidity was worse anyway. Finally I pushed it up to 115 laps. Atmavir was walking in the morning and in the afternoon he decided to run again. At last he had 107 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking all day and he did 78 laps.
Day 39: Though it was not so hot today, it was a hard day. In the morning it was still humid until about 9:00, but then with the rising sun humidity was decreasing. But I could not run easily or fast anyway. Finally I got 115 laps. Atmavir was also struggling, but he did 110 laps. Ananda-Lahari was running quite fast in the morning, but at about 10:00 he ran out of energy and then he had to walk. Also other runners had problems today. Purna-Samarpan has not come back yet, Stutisheel was walking all day and even Asprihanal was walking all day. In the evening he was taken to hospital. They say he had a temperature and so on. Most probably something like a sunstroke.
Day 38: The day started in the same way as it finished yesterday . Totally wet. Luckily, there was a little bit less humidity than yesterday. But I was not able to run fully anyway. Humidity and heat made me feel as if I was covered with a blanket. And it is difficult to run in this way. After the sunset the situation changed. I immediately felt more strength in my legs. Finally I did 117 laps. Atmavir was able to run even faster after the sunset and he did 120 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking all day and he did 84 laps. Purna-Samarpan did not come today. He came only late in the afternoon in regular clothes. It seem that for him the race is over.
Day 37: A day when you swim in your sweat. Totally humid. An hour after the start I was completely wet. My feet did not work much. In the afternoon the temperature went up to 33°C, but what was worst was the humidity. In this kind of weather it does not help you even if the sun sets, because humidity immediately starts to increase. On top of that, at about ten p.m. it started drizzling in intervals. I really could not wait until midnight. Finally I had 116 laps. Atmavir in spite of the crazy humidity was able to run slowly all day and did 110 laps. Ananda-Lahari switched walking and occasional running and did 94 laps. Purna-Shamarpan had big problems today. For a few days he has been bothered by varicose veins. But this morning the pain was so intense that he had to stop after a few laps. We´ll see tomorrow.
Day 36: A hard day. Though it cannot be seen on the laps, I had quite a tough time. Especially in the evening. It was about 30°C and in the morning it was a little humid. During the last hour I had to push to get 120 laps, but I was successful. The same with Atmavir, he also had a hard evening. Ananda-Lahari ran very well in the morning. But since 10:00 he had no energy. He had to walk, except one hour in the evening, when he managed to run again. At last he did 103 laps.
Day 35: Today it was a little warmer and more humid than yesterday. Atmavir was afraid it will put him down again, but luckily it did not happen. The temperatures are between 30°-33°C at the moment and it should not change in the next week. I was quite well today. I even had some energy left for the evening, although not so much. During the last laps I had to push to get to 120 laps. Atmavir was flying at the end of the day and did 121 laps. Ananda-Lahari went well, too. He was running all the time and had 113 laps.
Day 34: Luckily the day after a long time when I was not bothered by blisters. I had quite a good morning. The afternoon was worse and the evening was tough. Somehow I began to run out of strength. But in the end I pushed it to 119 laps. The same was with Atmavir, after yesterday´s treatment he could run all day. But Ananda-Lahari was not so lucky. He was walking all day again and he had 72 laps.
Day 33:In the morning it looked like another hard day. My blisters hurt, but luckily at about 8:00 it got better. I am still not so fast as I was a week ago, but when you do not have to clench your teeth with every step, it is another way of running. I felt it most in the evening when I also had a good speed. At last I did 117 laps. Both Atmavir and Ananda-Lahari suffered since the morning, though it was not so hot or humid at all. In the afternoon a doctor treated them who came from Italy for a week to help us. Evidently his therapy worked because in the evening they were both running. Atmavir did 92 and Ananda-Lahari 91 laps.
Day 32: Finally, the blister is starting to get better. I did not have to do any special bandage today. But the skin near it is sensitive which is very unpleasant while walking and running. Anyway, I was a little faster than in the previous days and I did not have to stop so often. But finally I did only 112 laps. At this moment my weight worrries me a bit too. I lost over 11 kg since the beginning of the race. It seems I lost a part of the muscles from my legs, they are not so strong as they were at the beginning. After yesterday´s good day both Atmavir and Ananda-Lahari had a hard day again. In Atmavir´s case it is humidity which creates problems for him, and this morning was humid. This put him into the role of a walker. At last he did 80 laps and Ananda-Lahari did 79.
Day 31: The weather forecast came true. The temperature really went up to 38°C. Luckily there was a wind blowing so on one side of the school we were fainting and on the other side a pleasant wind was blowing into our face. I had to run with ice in a plastic bag in my hands and exchange it every lap. The blister is still painful but it seems to be getting better. I am still very slow and I spend a lot of time bandaging the blister in the morning and during the break. Today I had only 110 laps again. Atmavir and Ananda-Lahari had a good day after yesterday´s hard one. In spite of the heat it was not so humid as yesterday and this probably saved Atmavir and allowed him to run for the whole day. He did 118 laps. Ananda-Lahari did 108.
Day 30: A hot and wet day. Although it seemed in the last days that Atmavir can manage the hot and humid weather, today humidity totally put him down . He had to walk since the morning because his legs were totally empty. Ananda-Lahari was not able to run after yesterday´s succesfull day. They both finally did 85 laps. The heat was not good for me either and the blister that has been bothering me for the last few days did not improve. Therefore I was much slower than I would have liked to. I could only get only 110 laps. Tomorrow a really hot day is waiting for us. According to the last weather forecast the temperature should rise to 38°C. We will see.
Day 29: I would call this a "servicing day", a day when I was servicing my body. The blister that bothered me yesterday did not improve much and I had to stop several times to fix it. At noon a doctor specializing on feet came. Several runners went to see him. He helped me with my right toe nail which was growing into my skin. He cut it very quicky and skilfully so that it could heal more quicky. In the afternoon I felt quite well but late in the evening the pain returned. I somehow finished at midnight and did 110 laps. Atmavir had a good day. He did 123 laps. Today Ananda-Lahari started running after a long time. He was running and walking, but it was good to see him run. He did 100 laps. Two hot days are waiting for us. On Tuesday it should be up to 34°C.
Day 28: Four weeks are over. Today it was very hot but luckily it was not humid. My legs did not work since the morning. There was no energy. In the afternoon it got better but a painful blister joined my tiredness. Finally I somehow pushed it to 116 laps. Atmavir also had a hard day. He did 115 laps. Ananda-Lahari walked 86 laps. Asprihanal crossed the 2000 mile border today . Tomorrow Sarvagata and Igor should follow him.
Day 27: Hmm. There are no easy day left? It looks that I was suffering again. It was humid since the morning and it was difficult for me to run. A lister on my right foot bothered me. At about 4 pm it started to rain and it went on till 22:00. During the long rain the skin on my right foot became quite sensitive and this brought me another blister, I suppose. It slowed me down even more and no wonder that I got only 115 laps. Atmavir went very well. In spite of the humidity and rain he managed to keep his speed and did 122 laps. Ananda-Lahari walked 84 laps today.
Day 26: Another hard day. It was hard also because we have been running in the same direction for three days. Yesterday NBC TV came. They want to make a few minute shot. As they would like to have better shots, we were told yesterday that wehave to run in the same direction as the day before. I did not like it at all, but what could I do. And then they fixed a camera on a lamp post and had it running all day and night and another day. So this morning, since the camera was still on, they informed us that we would run in the same direction even today. Because of the TV wants to have nice shots we have to suffer additional problems for two more days. As the track is not even, each direction has a different impact on the body. Now we have loaded the body in the same way for three days and it showed on some of us as pain in one of the knees, ankles or another part of the body. Of course we survived, but it seems to me useless to suffer more because of a few TV shots. I was rather upset and it slowed me down in the morning. It was quite hot but at about 16:00 a real downpour came and it went on for an hour. Then it cleared up and we could finish the day in a cooler weather. I did only 118 laps today. Atmavir did two more, but I do not know how much Ananda-Lahari did. He was walking all day.
Day 25: A hard day. It was very humid since the morning and as the sun was rising and getting warm, it did not change much. It was difficult to run properly in that sauna. I felt like being boiled. Right after the noon it got cloudy and immediately it was better. But I felt completeley all right only after 20:00 when the sun set. Considering how hard it was for me to run, I did quite well. I got 122 laps. Atmavir fought through today´s heat and did 119 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking again and he did 85 laps.
Day 24: Today it was very hot again (32°C), but unlike yesterday, there was not so much humidity. I was a little better than yesterday and I did 125 laps. Atmavir had some problems in the morning and was afraid that he would have to walk again, but finally he kept running all day. He did 118 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking again and he did 85 laps.
Day 23: A hot day. Or better to say, extremely humid. The temperature went up to 32°C also thanks to humidity which was over 90%. It was as if we were running in the sauna. In spite of it I had quite a good run. At some time in the evening I crossed 1550 mile border which is exactly a half of the race. So now we are going down the hill. At last I was able to run 122 laps. Atmavir also went well. And in spite of the heat and humidity, it did not hit him as much as before. He was running all day and had 121 laps. Ananda-Lahari on the contrary, after yesterday´s improvement, when he was able to run really fast, probably burnt out, because today he had to walk again. He did 84 laps.
Day 22: A wet day. At least its first half. It started raining at about 7:30 and it went on until noon. I was a little bit worried because of my stil unhealed blisters. But when I checked them during the break, they did not get worse. But the rained slowed me down and so I did fewer laps than usual until noon. Finally I pushed it up to 120 laps. Ananda-Lahari had an excellent morning. But in the evening he ran out of fuel and had to walk. At last he did 113 laps until 23:00. Atmavir went also very well today. He was running well all day and so he finished with at 23:30 with 121 laps.
Day 21: Three weeks behind us. My blister did not heal much until morning as I hoped. But I could run with it. Only at 14:00 I had to and take the break an hour sooner. Then at last I was able to open the blister completely. About half a cup of thick yellow liquid came out of it. But I could run much better. I got 121 laps until midnight. Ananda-Lahari could run too. He stayed until midnight and had 112 laps. Atmavir had a good day too and he was leaving after 10:30 with 117 laps.
Day 20: A hard day. Or better to say, a day full of pain. Until now, I had practically no blisters which is unbelievable in my case. But yesterday I suddenly got some small ones on my heels and in the middle of my right foot. The one in the middle of my foot did not heel so much during the night and I felt it in the morning. And during the day it started to get worse. The blister itself as if got healed, but the area under the toe joint got inflamed and started to be pretty painful. In addition it got swollen and so I could feel it with every step. In the evening it did was getting better at all, just the opposite. And when I tried to do something with it, nothing really worked. I could do nothing but somehow finish the day and hope it will improve overnight. This kind of blisters usually get healed until the morning so I have to hope it will happen also now. To be sure, I finished already at 23:00 with 110 laps to somehow fix it. Atmavir went quite well today. He was running at his reasonable pace and finally he got 120 laps. Ananda-Lahari had again disfunctional legs and was walking all day. He finished at the same time as I with 92 laps.
Day 19: Although it was warm today, it was not humid. It seems that it is more humidity than heat which makes a problem for Atmavir, because today he was strong enough to run all day. And finally he did 119 laps. After a longer time Ananda-Lahari had a good day too. He was also running all day and had 111 laps. I had a stiff knee after yesterday, but it did not hurt. In the evening it was OK. Finally I had 124 laps. For the last few days the track belongs to the Ukrainians. Igor and Sarvagata run unbelievably at this moment. They mostly finish at about 22:30 and they have over 70 miles. And during the day they have 3 breaks for half an hour.
Day 18: Atmavir was walking since the morning. He started to run only in the evening. Every morning when it gets warmer or when it is humid, his body as if switched off and he has to walk only. Today he went till 23:00 again and he did 93 laps. Ananda-Lahari´s legs still do not work as they should. Today he also had to walk. He stayed until the end and he did 82 laps. I was quite well in the morning, but in the evening I started to feel pain on the inner side of my left leg. So I bandaged my leg and I could continue. Finally I did 122 laps.
Day 17: This morning was terribly humid . And it showed immediately on the pace of some of us. For me it was quite difficult to run and I had a tough time until the break at 15:00. After the break it got better and after the sunset I could run quite well. Finally I did 122 laps. Atmavir had problems too. For the last few days he looked like he was recovering, but today´s humid morning got him. He had to walk again. In the afternoon when the humidity dropped he started to run a bit, but in the evening he could only walk again. He finished at 23:00 with 98 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking. His feet did not run. He finished at about 23:30 with 93 laps
Day 16: Atmavir is slowly recovering. Gradually his strength is coming back, so he can run faster. During the day he still has problems with the heat, but in the evening he looks much better. Today he had 118 laps. Ananda-Lahari unfortunately feels still the same. His legs do not run therefore he has to walk most of the day. Today he was running until the end and he did 94 laps. I had a more difficult morning. My legs hurt, but it was manageable. In the evening it was better and I did 125 laps.
Day 15: There was a problem with the server yesterday so I could not post the news. I am posting days 14. a 15. together now. A warm day, no heat. I could run well since the morning so I could do a few laps more than usual before noon. In the evening it also went quite well and so finally I got128 laps which is 70 miles. Today I also crossed the border of 1000 miles. It was shortly before 3 p.m. and so I improved my personal best for several hours. Three more runners crossed 1000 miles today, Asprihanal, a few hours before me, Igor, a little bit after me and Sarvagata a few hours later. For Igor and Sarvagata it was the first crossing of 1000 miles. Ananda-Lahari was walking today and he did 100 laps. Atmavir is a bit cautious after the problems he had, but in spite of that he could do116 laps today.
Deň 14: Two weeks of the race are over. Until now, the weather was kind to us. We probably had only one really hot day. We had more colder days. We did not have any serious injuries so far. But still some people have had problems, incuding Atmavir and Anananda-Lahari. Atmavir looked quite well today, although he is still slow. Today he did 114 laps until 23:15. Ananda-Lahari was walking most of the day. His feet could not run at all. He finished together with Atmavir and he did 94 laps. I was a little slower in the morning, but in the evening it was better and I did 123 laps.
Deň 13: Today both Atmavir and Ananda-Lahari looked much better compared with yesterday. But still, especially with Atmavir, it is not as it should be yet. Ananda-Lahari managed 113 laps until 23:30. Atmavir did 110 laps till 23:00. The weather was chilly for three days in a row and it constantly looked like rain. But it did not rain after all. But it was quite cold, especially in the morning, so many of us were running in jackets. I had a similar day as yesterday and I did 122 laps.
Day 12: As for the weather, it was much the same as yesterday. It was cloudy all day and it looked like there would be a downpour in a moment. But finally it drizzled only about 30 min. Both Atmavir and Ananda-Lahari had a hard day. Atmavir got also stomach problems in addition to his heat problems. He just walked slowly all day and finished shortly after 22:00 with 78 laps. Ananda-Lahari was completely without energy, too and he walked 81 laps until 23:00. Keep your fingers crossed for them to be ok tomorrow. Purna-Samarpan has also problems, he has a cold and stayed in bed almost all day. The two new Ukrainians Sarvagata and Igor run very well. They are unbelievable fast and for several days they usually finish at about 22:30 with 65-70 miles. I was quite well today and I did122 laps.
Day 11: Today it was not so hot, but it was terribly humid. We were swimming in our own sweat since the morning. I was not able to run well early in the morning, only before noon it changed. After the break I was even able to run a little faster. But the last two hours were about the limit. At last I had 24 laps. Atmavir had a hard day. Even the humidity was a problem for him, and until 23:00 he did112 laps. Ananda-Lahari did his "sprinting" laps again. At last they counted 123 laps for him.
Day 10: In the morning I was not able to run properly. Only after several hours it was it. The day was warm, but not really hot. But even this weather was no good for Atmavir. He had to walk since morning and only in the evening he started to run a bit. At last he came to 98 laps. Ananda-Lahari also had a hard day and was walking all day. But he went home before I asked him how much he did.
Day 9: Yesterday was probably the hardest day I have ever had here. I was OK all day until 21:00 when I started to be totally sleepy. Nothing helped and so I was just staggering until the very end. I was like a living corpse. Today I was afraid of something similar but luckily nothing like this came. Finally I did124 laps. Atmavir´s problems from the last year returned. When the temperature is higher, he can only walk. That is why he was walking most of the day. He did 104 laps. Ananda-Lahari was fine today. In the morning he was even running those fast laps of his. But in the end he disappeared before I could ask him how much he did.
Day 8: I am totally dead. I did 125 laps. Atmavir, in spite of all his problems, did 120 laps. Ananda-Lahari was walking most of the day. He did 97 laps. Icons of the day were the Ukrainians Igor and Sarvagata. They were running all day at an unbelievable pace .
Day 7: The first week is over. Today as if everybody started to run off. But I could not run well in the morning. It was quite humid and before the noon temperature went up to 30°C. In the evening I slowed down as usual, but it was enough for 123 laps. Ananda-Lahari did not run much in the morning, but in the evening he did several laps maybe under 4 min and so before midnight he got to114 laps. Atmavir had quite big problems in the evening. He felt like having a temperature and had no energy. But finally he did 124 laps.
Day 6: A wet day. It started to rain already during the night and it rained on the way to the start and at the start, too. It rained until 8:00. But for the next two hours it looked that it can start again at any moment, so we could change our wet shoes only at 10:00. It started to rain, or rather pour, right after my break at about 15:30. It was pouring until 19:00. The sidewalks and roads were flooded with torrents of rain, simply a typical New York monsoon downpour. In spite of all that I managed to run 125 laps until midnight. Atmavir pushed it up to 129 laps. And Ananda-Lahari went up to110 laps.
Day 5: Today it looked like a hot day. The morning was rather wet, but when the sun appeared, humidity went down. It was hot but not so much as yesterday. I felt quite well during the day. Only in the evening there was not so much strength, but finally I had 125 laps, and the last lap I did in 5:30. Atmavir kept his usual standard and ran 128 laps, although he stayed until midnight. Ananda-Lahari ran quite well today, but I could not ask him how much he did.
Day 4: The first warmer day. And it immediately showed on the speed. At least on my speed. But it was not so hot. It was 28°C. Last year it would be considered a cool day. Only our bodies are not used to this temperature yet. A couple of days over 30°C and immediately 28°C will seem like a pleasant temperature. In the evening I was just pushing the sun down with my eyes. And only after it set, I started to run a bit. At last I had 119 laps. Atmavir did 128 laps again, but Ananda-Lahari also had a good day. In fact he was running all day and he did 111 laps. Day 3: In the morning I had a problem with my stomach. I had too much acidity, so I took Tums. It is like candies with sodium bicarbonate. The problem is that if you take too much, the result is diarrhea. But I had to risk it because I felt acidity even while drinking water. When I took it, it got better immediately. At about 19:00 it started to rain softly and it took all my energy. For several hours I could only walk. Finally I did 125 laps which was not so bad considered how I felt in the evening. Atmavir had also problems. As he said, each of his muscles ached and so he had a hard time. But in the end he managed 128 laps. Ananda-Lahari had a better day than yesterday and he did 109 laps till 23:30. Day 2: It was drizzling in the morning, and it went on until 8:00. Luckily the drizzle was very soft and could notdrench us. I had a tough time in the morning, I was falling asleep until 10:00. Then it was OK. Miles and laps do not bother me yet. I am trying to do as much as I can until midnight. But the result is that I am quite exhausted in the evening. It was like that also today. But finally I had 130 laps. Atmavir ran very well, he did 38 laps till 23:30. Ananda-Lahari decided to have a slow start, but as he said, he did not expect being so slow. He did only about 93 laps today. Day 1: The race was officially started. In the morning ESPN and one more TV came and took some shots. The weather was fine. It was cloudy all day and about to rain, but it did not. At the beginning everything was OK and we ran even up the hill. I had a good run. Ananda-Lahari decided to be cautious and he was running and walking. At about 6 pm I started to feel tired and I knew it will be tough in the end. And so it was. Since 9 pm I went only as with a flywheel. My legs were totally empty, without energy. I ran until the very end and I did 147 laps, I think. Atmavir finished at 23:30 and had a lap or two less. Ananda-Lahari also finished at 23:30 and he did 112 laps.
Day -1: Last day before the start. Today the weather has changed, it rained all day. In the morning we ran the 2-mile race, and for the last time we enjoyed speed. At 3 p.m.we had a meeting of all runners, helpers and organizers. Tomorrow the start will be busy . Two TVs are coming and one of them, ESPN, wants to follow the whole race and produce a larger material of it. Yesterday they started interviewing us. Tomorrow it should be also rainy, so we can expect a wet beginning of the race.
Day -2: Two days before the start of 15th annual 3100-mile race. The last two days were hot. The temperature went up to 36°C. I only hope that this was not the foretaste of what is coming during the race. Today the temperature dropped to "only" 30°C. Here is the list of participants. We have three new faces.
Asprihanal Aalto (40 years, Helsinki, Finland)
Asprihanal is second in the world charts of 3100-mile race with the time of 43 days 04:26:32. He won this race seven times in the years 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Three times in a row he participated in thee multiday races in New York a year (6-day , 3100-mile and 700-mile races). He won the 6-day race three times, his last victory was this year with the result of 505 miles (812km) and he also won the 700 mile race three times (his best time was 9 days 5 hours).
Atmavir Spacil (32 years, Zlin, Czech Republic)
This is Atmavir´s 5th time at this race. In 2009 he ran it in 45 days and 3 hours. In 2007 he ran his first 3100-mile race in 52 days 12 hours, only a few days after he won the 10-day race with 670 miles (1078km). He ran 19 ultras and did one long triathlon. In 2004 at the 1300-mile race he ran 1085 miles (1746km) in 18 days. He ran 209km in 24-hour race.
Pranjal Milovnik (38 years, Bratislava, Slovakia)
This is his 7th start. Last year he ran his best time at this race: 47 days and 4 hours. In 17 years of running he ran 66 marathons and 43 ultras, out of it 12 multiday races. He did three long triathlons.
Stutisheel Lebedyev (41 years, Kiev, Ukraine)
Stutisheel ranthe 3100-mile race 7 times. His best time was in 2009: 48 days and 12 hours. He ran more than 45 ultras and his best marathon time is 2:46
Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (36 years, Kysak, Slovakia)
Ananda-Lahari is running the 3100-mile race for the 7th time. His best performance was in 2006: 49 days 14:25:37. He has been running for over 20 years. He was an excellent orientation runner previously.
Surasa Maier (52 years, Vienna, Austria )
Surasa will start the 3100-mile race for the second time. In 2003 she broke the world record in 1000 km (7 days+16:08:37) and in 700-mile race (8 days+15:34:13). In 2001 she broke the world record in 1300 mile race (17 days 21 hours). Her split time in 1000 mile race is even now the second best in history (13 days 17 hours). In 2000 she also won the 1000-mile race in 14 days 12 hours. In 2007 she won the 10-day race with 595 miles.
Purna-Samarpan Querhammer (34 years, Hamburg, Germany)
This is his third attempt in this race. Last time he ran 2700 miles. During 14 years he ran 25 ultras, 5 multidays and a lot of marathons.
Igor Mudryck (37 years, Vinnitsa, Ukraine)
In 15years of running Igor ran 6 multiday races. In 2009 he ran 712 miles in 10-day race. His best result at 6-day race is 434 miles.
Sarvagata Ukrainsky (37 years, Berdansk, Ukraine)
Sarvagata did 9 ultras and 5 multiday races. Only a few weeks ago he finished the 10-day race with 605 miles.
Pradeep Hoogakker (32 years, Den Haag, Holand)
Pradeep has been runing for 12 years. This is his first start at 3100-mile race. So far he has run 15 ultras and 5 multiday races.
Muži: 1. Mohamad Ahansal, MAR, 16:27:26 2. Aziz El Akad, MAR, 16:31:40 3. Salameh Al Aqra, JOR, 17:15:06 234. Stanislav Kmec, SVK, 31:04:25 Ženy: 1. Touda Didi, MAR, 23:30:44 2. Meghan Hicks, USA, 24:29:16 3. Luz Perez Carbajo, ESP, 24:38:32
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