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  • Dobry den, dekuji za super clanek. Chtela jsem vam ho ohodnotit tou nejlepsi znamkou a v domneni, . . . (Lung-gom-pa. Tibetskí bežci.)
  • Denne sleduje Tvoje výkony.Držíme Ti všetci palce. (3100 Mile Race 2014)
  • KEep it up pranjal. There have been complaints that you have been drinking too much coffee! Grahak (3100 Mile Race 2014)
  • Podľa mňa, je to vec osobnej voľby. Všetky tieto ultraľahke topánky majú výhodu, že neupra . . . (Topánky na behanie)
  • A vivobarefoot topank? v poslednom čase su tie topanky vel'mi popularne... aky je vaš nazor? (Topánky na behanie)
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    Počet zobrazených článků: 9 (z celkem 9 nalezených)

    3100 Mile Race 2015

    Vydané dňa 15. 06. 2015 (16876 prečítaní)
    Day 52:

    Day 52 from Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team on Vimeo.

    All I can say is that this race you don't do alone. You are never alone out there on the course. You have so many hopes and dreams and inspirations of everybody, who is following the race. It is just amazing how even though you are not really in contact with humanity. You are not in contact with newspapers and whatever. You really feel how the race is somehow percolating out there, and inspiring people."

    "Life is hard for everybody. Everybody is running their own version of the 3100 mile race. Everybody has their own difficulties. Definitely I felt that if I could inspire even one person to stick it out one more day. To never give up. To just push your way through the tunnel. Than that is somehow really worth it.

    "Nirbhasa you did something remarkable, you finished the race on your first attempt. You have become the first Irishman to ever finish the race."

    "I think the race is really Sri Chinmoy's philosophy in action. The mind can't really comprehend the distance. It can't comprehend the enormity. It can't even comprehend doing a full day, never mind, it is just trying to get to the next break. That is about as far as the mind can handle. It is only when you live in the heart, and only when you have tremendous eagerness. A tremendous feeling of being in the moment, and just being happy, and letting it happen."

    Live webcam from 3100 Mile Race is here
    Official website
    Photogallery at www.srichinmoyultraphoto.com
    Photos by Prabhakar

    | Autor: Prānjal | Počet komentárov: 2 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Mile Race 2014

    Vydané dňa 13. 06. 2014 (15784 prečítaní)
    Day 52:

    Jayasalini's finish:

    Timelapse video from day 3:

    Photos from the race:


    Official website
    Utpal´s blog
    Baladev's YouTube chanel
    Stutisheel's blog
    Sopan's blog


    | Autor: Prānjal | Počet komentárov: 2 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Mile Race 2013

    Vydané dňa 06. 08. 2013 (13936 prečítaní)
    | Autor: Prānjal | Počet komentárov: 1 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Mile Race 2011

    Vydané dňa 12. 06. 2011 (11793 prečítaní)
    Day 54: The weather on the last day turned up to be very nice.  The temterature again did not rise over 30°C and it was partly cloudy. Pradeep finished the race at about 15:00 and so he became the first Dutchman who has ever run this race.  Surasa finished at 21:30. In her case it is an unbelievable performance, because a week ago she got a broken muscle in her calf. It seemed that  is the end of the race for her, but with an unbelievable will power she continued and finally she managed to finish. When she finished, the race also officially finished,  because  Ananda-Lahari decided to finish at the same time. How to summarize this year´s race? As usual,the weather played a big role. In the first part of the race it was dry and sometimes, especially in the morning and evening, also cold. And the second part of July was hot to the extreme that the race had to be stopped for one day, which has never happened  in the history of this race. But that is what makes this race probably the most difficult running event in the world.

    Here is the video from Pradeep's finish:

    Here is the video from Surasa's finish:


    Blog by Utpal Marshal

    Fotos by Arpan

    Fotos by Alakananda

    Fotos by Antara-Prabath

    | Autor: MarekN | Počet komentárov: 2 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Miles Race 2010

    Vydané dňa 13. 06. 2010 (12935 prečítaní)

    Day 52: This is the last day of the 14th 3100-Mile Race. Today at about 19:30 Dharbasana finished and so he became the first New Zealander to ever finish this kind of race. The other runners also had remarkable results: Surasa, as the second woman to start in this race, had an excellent result of running more than 2700 miles. Purna-Samarpan in his second attempt ran exactly 2700 miles and thus improved his last year´s performance for more than 700 miles. Ananda-Lahari and Baladev did not run their best time, but they both showed heroic effort when we take into account that this was the hottest summer in the history of New York. The average July temperature was 32°C. We had the maximum temperature of 39°C, we had one day with 38°C and several days with 37°C. On some days we had to concentrate hard to remain conscious in such a heat, because in the sun and with all the air-conditioned cars rushing around the temperatures rose highly above 40°C. Here is a video of Dharbasana´s finish and a report which was broadcast on the American TV station ABC today:


    | Autor: MarekN | Počet komentárov: 1 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Miles Race 2009

    Vydané dňa 11. 06. 2009 (13770 prečítaní)

    Day 61: Suprabha had a very nice finish of her 13th completed 3100 mile race. As the only person in the world she participated in all of the races and always succeeded to finish. Today is the 13th of August and she finished the race for the 13th time, so number 13 is not so bad as they say...
    Suprabha crossed the finish line shortly after 15:00. It was rainig a little at that time. It was cloudy since the morning and it seemed it will start raining at any moment, but it started only after Suprabha´s finish. Suprabha really enjoyed the last day. She was running well and there were more people in the camp as usually. This helps the runner very much, especially on the psychic plane.
    As he promised, so he did. Our consul in NY Mr Pokojny came to see us and congratulate Suprabha on the heroic achievement.
    It is said that everything has a beginning and an end. Today after the finish of Suprabha  also the 13th longest ultra race in the world finished - Self Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. For many of us  the following 10 months will be only a longer pause before they start again on this course.
    I am thinking of one advertisement slogan: "If you love it, there is nothing to solve". Maybe it is not exactly this way, but as for this race, I would like to say:
    "If you love it, just run, run, do not solve anything..."

    Official website of the race
    Utpal Marshall's Blog
    Stutisheel Lebedev's blog

    | Autor: MarekN | Počet komentárov: 0 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    3100 Miles Race 2008

    Vydané dňa 12. 06. 2008 (10628 prečítaní)
    Day 57: Suprabha finished her 12th 3100 mile race in 56 days 17:51:22. She has run 39 900 miles (64 000 km) on this track so far. This is also the end of 12th 3100 mile race.

    Race results
    Utpal Marshal's Blog
    Official fotogalery
    Jowan's fotogalery

    | Autor: MarekN | Počet komentárov: 2 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    Multiday Running Handbook, part 1 – Training

    Vydané dňa 30. 10. 2007 (13740 prečítaní)
    Tréning    In the following series of articles I would like to say a few things about races that are longer than one day. This kind of races is quite different from other ultra races. From my own experiences I would like to speak about how to train, what race strategy to choose, what equipment you will need and what to do to not to get injured.

    | Autor: Prānjal | Počet komentárov: 0 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok

    The Everest of Ultrarunning (my first 3100 miles race)

    Vydané dňa 01. 10. 2007 (7445 prečítaní)
    Slovenskí bežci 3100 míľového behu 2005    Everything started in January in China where I was spending my time with many of my friends in Sri Chinmoy’s blessingful presence. There I met my friend Smarana whom I know from 1000-mile races we had been running before. He told me about his experiences at 3100-mile race which he ran last year.

    | Autor: Prānjal | Počet komentárov: 0 | Pridať komentár | Informační e-mailVytlačiť článok


    08.11.2010: 100 km E.A.A. EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP
    1. JONAS BUUD, SWE, 6:47:40
    3. ANDRÉ COLLET, GER, 6:51:54

    7. DANIEL ORÁLEK, CZE, 6:58:26
    21. ONDREJ EVIN, SVK, 7:25:53
    27. PETER TICHY. SVK, 7:35:28
    34. MILAN ADAMEC, CZE, 7:49:20
    49. JAROSLAV BOHDAL, CZE, 8:14:53
    55. SLAVOMIR LINDVAI, SVK, 8:35:17
    61. RUDOLF LORENCIK, SVK, 8:55:11
    63. JAN BUJNAK, SVK, 9:23:34

    1. ELLIE GREENWOOD, GBR, 7:29:05
    2. MONICA CARLIN, ITA, 7:30:50
    3. LIZZY HAWKER, GBR, 7:33:26

    30. ALENA ŽÁKOVSKÁ, CZE, 9:34:32
    32. MARTINA JUDA, CZE, 9:56:17
    33. VILMA PODMELOVÁ, CZE, 10:21:09

    28.09.2009: Spartathlon 2009
    1. Ryoichi Sekiya, JPN, 23:48:24
    2. Lars Christofferse, DAN, 24:31:45
    3. Jon Berge, NOR, 25:09:38

    10. Slavomír Lindvai, SVK, 27:16:10

    1. Sumie Inagaki, JPN, 27:39:49
    2. Yoshido Matsuda, JPN, 31:16:12
    3. Lisa Bliss, USA, 32:23:26

    11.05.2009: Self-Transcendence 12+24 Stunden-Lauf Basel
    24-hodinový beh

    1. Kai Horschig, GER, 212,686km
    2. Ananda-Lahari Zuščín, SVK, 209,747km
    3. Victor Rodionov, LAT, 209,121km

    1. Carmen Hilderbrand, GER, 207,390km
    2. Nicole Kresse, GER, 176,358km
    3. Ramona Thevenet-Smith, GBR, 166,224km

    12-hodinový beh

    1. Simon Schmid, SUI, 129,120km
    2. Udo Stossberger, GER, 127,512km
    3. Grigire Cilipic, MDA, 127,370km

    1. Regina Berger-Schmitt, GER, 111,331km
    2. Caroline Girod, SUI, 98,300km
    3. Belinda Eckert, GER, 96,309km

    05.05.2009: IAU 24h World Challenge, Bergamo, Taliansko
    1. Henrik Olson, SWE, 257,042km
    2. Ralf Weis, GER, 244,492km
    3. Yuji Sakai, JPN, 242,713km

    29. Petr Dostálek, CZE, 213,466km
    34. Slavomír Lindvai, SVK, 208,898km
    39. Miroslav Osladil, CZE, 206,233km
    64. František Gállik, SVK, 183,951km
    74. Martin Huncovský, CZE, 177,319km
    137. Ján Bujňák, SVK, 52,161km

    1. Anne-Cecile Fontaine, FRA, 243,644km
    2. Brigitte Bec, FRA, 234,977km
    3. Monica Casiraghi, ITA, 223,848km

    38. Martina Nemečková, CZE, 175,098km
    50. Pavnína Procházková, CZE, 154,900km
    56. Dagmar Hurková, CZE, 137,963km

    05.05.2009: Self-Transcendence Six and Ten Day Race, New York
    10-dňový beh

    1. Madhupran Schwerk, GER, 777 míľ
    2. Igor Mudryk, UKR, 712 míľ
    3. Yuri Trostenyuk, UKR, 629 míľ

    12. Chakradhara Čáslava, CZE, 501 míľ
    13. Rastislav Uličný, SVK, 495 míľ
    19. Padyatra Komák, SVK, 408 míľ

    1. Kaneenika Janáková, SVK, 707 míľ (Slovenský rekord)
    2. Sarah Barnett, AUS, 684 míľ
    3. Jayasalini Abramovskikh, UKR, 619 míľ

    6. Ivana Nemcová, CZE, 559 míľ
    10. Sylva Stradalová, CZE, 525 míľ
    14. Zuzana Dócziová, SVK, 503 míľ

    6-dňový beh

    1. Darren Worts, USA, 420 míľ
    2. Vilodymyr Hlushchuk, UKR, 391 míľ
    3. Vlastimil Dvořáček, CZE, 375 míľ

    11. Ales Pliva, CZE, 293 míľ
    12. Michal Petříček, CZE, 285 míľ

    1. Dipali Cunningham, AUS, 513 míľ (WR)
    2. Pam Reed, USA, 490 míľ
    3. Lenka Švecová, CZE, 372 míľ

    9. Sunanda Mináriková, CZE, 284 míľ

    05.05.2009: Podvihorlatský maratón 2009
    1. Ferenc Biri, HUN, 2:43:09
    2. Vladislav Lipovský, SVK, 2:44:46
    3. János Zabari, HUN, 2:45:24

    1. Anna Balošáková, SVK, 3:35:26
    2. Zlatica Semanová, SVK, 3:40:23
    3. Erika Billá, SVK, 3:43:39

    16.04.2009: Athens Ultramarathon Festival 24h, 48h, 72h and 7 days
    7 dňový beh

    1. SICHEL WILLIAM, GBR, 805km
    2. LO WEI NING, TPE, 789,217km
    3. NOMIKOS NIKITAS, GRE, 771km

    1. JANOSI ELVIRA, HUN, 436,156km

    72 hodinový beh


    2. KOROVESIS GEORGE, GRE, 304,305km
    3. PRIMUS THOMAS, AUT, 300km


    1. HUANG SHU MIN, TPE, 407,507km

    48 hodinový beh

    2. JONES COLIN, GBR, 275km

    2. VENITI MARIA, GRE, 134,72km

    24 hodinový beh

    2. NIKOLIS CHARALAMBOS, GRE, 207,228km
    3. MUSTALA ARI, FIN, 204,892km

    1. BERCES EDIT, HUN, 201,237km
    2. CHIA LUH SIN, TPE, 193,52km

    07.04.2009: Marathon Des Sables 2009
    1. Mohamad Ahansal, MAR, 16:27:26
    2. Aziz El Akad, MAR, 16:31:40
    3. Salameh Al Aqra, JOR, 17:15:06

    234. Stanislav Kmec, SVK, 31:04:25

    1. Touda Didi, MAR, 23:30:44
    2. Meghan Hicks, USA, 24:29:16
    3. Luz Perez Carbajo, ESP, 24:38:32

    47. Ivana Pilarova, CZE, 40:50:12

    29.03.2009: ČSOB Bratislava Marathon
    1. HAURYCHENKO Aliaksej, BLR, 2:21:40
    2. BARTKIEWICZ Krzysztof, POL, 2:31:38
    3. HOLEČKO Martin, SVK, 2:31:47

    1. FÖLDINGNÉ NAGY Judit, HUN, 2:50:21
    2. PETNUCHOVÁ Ingrid, 2:51:05
    3. MARTINCOVÁ Ivana, 2:54:17

    23.03.2009: Furčianský maratón
    1. Slavomír Lidvai, SVK, 2:53:25
    2. Ondrej Evin, SVK, 2:55:12
    3. Rudolf Lorenčík, SVK, 2:56:50

    1. Zlatka Semanová, SVK, 3:55:08
    2. Eva Hatalová, SVK, 3:55:23
    3. Alžbeta Tiszová, SVK, 4:15:05
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